Monday, May 4, 2009


so i have to admit, i've been feeling kind of homesick recently.. usually that happens when life's not going so well, which was the case in the last couple of weeks. when i'm homesick, i crave for the company of family and friends, my mom's homecooked food and milk tea, and chinese food in TO. (i love food ok?)

when things get really bad, i actually think about going home, as in moving back to TO. (yes, i experience temporary moments of insanity)

guess it's still my place of refuge and comfort, even though i've been living in Vancouver for almost 2 years now. (crazy huh?)

but God knows me too well, and yesterday as i got prayed over by church leaders, the FIRST thing justin said was "home", and "you've found your home already, and your home is here."

true story. thanks for making it loud and clear, big guy!

i've known that for a long time...but still have yet to let it go. i have to stop calling TO my home, cuz it's not anymore. Vancouver's my home now. sounds big and scary.. when i meet new people, most of them are surprised when i tell them i moved from TO by myself. i'm surprised too, actually now that i think about it.. definitely couldn't have done it if it wasn't in His plans for me.